Guru Grah Seva Dham

Sadhu Cloth Service

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Clothing service of a Sadhu (07 Clothes)

  1. One Langotee
  2. One Dhoti
  3. One Angavast
  4. One Aasan
  5. One Blanket
  6. One Harinaam Pataka
  7. One Achala
The Conch Shell or the 'Shankha' – Emanator of Healing

Sadhu's Clothing

An Indian sadhu blowing a conch

Sadhu's Clothing

Shankh Naad - Never mess with Naga sadhu

Sadhu's Clothing

हिन्दू धर्म में संख्या 7 का इतना महत्व क्यों है?

Sadhu's Clothing

हिन्दू धर्म में 11 का इतना महत्व क्यों है?

Sadhu's Clothing

sanatan dharm ka 21 ka matlab

Sadhu's Clothing

Sanatana Dharma Introduction to Hinduism

Sadhu's Clothing

What is a Mala and Why Does it Have 108 Beads?

Sadhu's Clothing

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